Saturday, June 9, 2012

Weekend game deals: 75% off Serious Sam 3, Killing Floor, AvP

killing floor, serious sam, aliens vs predator, a

It's a great time to grab outstanding indie games on your wishlist, between the dozens of individual titles discounted on Steam and the deals offered by Indie Royale and the Humble Indie Bundle. Also of note is the first playable (alpha) release of StarForge, an upcoming free-to-play game described as Halo meets Minecraft. Other deals include 50-75% off Saints Row: The Third, Battlefield 3, Killing Floor, Dead Island, and Serious Sam 3: BFE. As a reminder, we're giving away one copy of Diablo III or Max Payne 3.

84 Saints Row: The Third $16.99 (66% off)
83 Worms Reloaded: GotY $8.50 (66% off)
83 Worms Complete Pack $27.20 (66% off)
85 Super Meat Boy $5.10 (66% off)
88 Braid $2.50 (75% off)
82 Dungeon Defenders $7.49 (50% off)
90 World of Goo $3.00 (75% off)
81 The Binding of Isaac $2.00 (60% off)
77 Stacking $7.49 (50% off)
67 Zombie Driver $2.00 (80% off)
61 The Baconing $2.99 (80% off)
81 Osmos $3.00 (70% off)
78 Vessel $9.99 (33% off)
86 Frozen Synapse $12.49 (50% off)
81  And Yet It Moves $2.50 (75% off)
79 Capsized $4.00 (60% off)
69  Q.U.B.E. $7.49 (50% off)
83  Anomaly: Warzone Earth $4.00 (60% off)
76  Avadon: The Black Fortress $4.99 (50% off)
Double Fine Bundle $14.99 (50% off)
Psychonauts $4.99 (50% off)
Cave Story+ $4.99 (50% off)
Really Big Sky $2.50 (75% off)
Lunar Flight $2.50 (75% off)
Gish $3.40 (66% off)
Bit.Trip Runner $4.00 (70% off)
Eufloria $5.10 (66% off)
Jamestown $4.99 (50% off)
Fieldrunners $2.99 (40% off)
Waves $3.00 (70% off)
Eets $3.00 (70% off)
Edge $3.20 (60% off)
Zen Bound 2 $2.00 (60% off)
Two Tribes Pack $5.60 (60% off)

Amazon Digital
77 Plentiful Paradox Package $12.49 (91% off)
86 Crusader Kings II $9.99 (75% off)
84 Rift $5.58 (72% off)
78 Tropico 4 $19.99 (50% off)
81 Tropico 3 $4.41 (56% off)

79 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution $14.99 (50% off)
76 Arma 2 $19.99 (60% off)
88  Rayman Origins $20.09 (33% off)
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc $4.99 (50% off)
Titan Quest Gold $4.99 (75% off)

88 Battlefield 3 $29.98 (50% off)
86  Battlefield: Bad Company 2 $5.99 (70% off)
88 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam $4.49 (70% off)
67  Aliens vs Predator $5.08 (75% off)
Precursors $9.98 (50% off)
UFO Trilogy $6.00 (70% off)
75% off select Civilization V content

Green Man Gaming
77 Killing Floor $5.98 (75% off)
75 Dead Island $11.99 (60% off)
78 Tomb Raider: Anniversary $6.99 (29% off)

75  Serious Sam 3: BFE $9.99 (75% off)

Games for Windows
62 Faery: Legends of Avalon $7.49 (50% off)

50% off the Ultima and Wing Commander series

View the original article here


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