Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Michele Bachmann becomes Swiss

9 May 2012 Last updated at 17:09 GMT Michele Bachmann walks down the Supreme Court steps 28 March 2012 Michele Bachmann husband was born to Swiss parents who settled in the US after their wedding Minnesota congresswoman and former US presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is now a citizen of Switzerland.

Mrs Bachmann, 55, is eligible for dual citizenship through her husband, who is of Swiss descent, a spokeswoman said.

A three-term Republican, Mrs Bachmann went through the process with her family when some of her children wanted to become dual citizens.

Mrs Bachmann, who herself has Norwegian ancestry, is now eligible to hold office in Switzerland.

When asked about running a campaign in Switzerland by Swiss national television, Mrs Bachmann joked that the competition "would be very stiff", referring to the Swiss parliamentarians she was meeting with on Tuesday.

While Mrs Bachmann is now registered in the canton of Thurgau in northeast Switzerland, she told Swiss TV she enjoyed visiting all different parts of the country.

"It's tough to find a place not to like in Switzerland," she said.

The Minnesota congresswoman ran for the Republican presidential nomination, but dropped out early in 2012 when she came sixth in the Iowa caucus.

As a presidential candidate she was the outspoken favourite of the Tea Party movement. Her blend of evangelical Christian social conservatism and fierce anti-tax rhetoric propelled her to the top tier of the Republican primary race in the summer of 2011.

She is now campaigning for another term in Congress representing Minnesota.

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