Tuesday, May 8, 2012

E – toll cock up showing South Africa’s true colours

The whole E – toll situation is more of a PR disaster than anything else, but one cannot help feel that SANRAL are really starting to push their weight around. We, the PAYING public are being forced to pay for a highway which should have been paid for by all the exorbitant road and vehicle taxes that the PAYING public have been PAYING for years and years. I have always paid my taxes on date, from licensing taxes, to road taxes to petrol taxes to vehicle taxes to toll fees to CO2 tax etc, and the list goes on.

Now all of a sudden we build a highway and the Government wants to tax us yet again. Now we are being bribed into buying E Tags otherwise we will not be paying 30c a Kilometer but instead R1,75. or 175 cents a KM. What madness?? Whats next? the threat of being marched off to Auschwitz? I cannot help but feel more and more like a slave the longer I remain in this country. The corrupt officials and police that run this country dont give two Fu#%s what you have to say just as long as they get their Mercedes Benz S class this year and laugh at the paying public. We, on the other hand, slave away 9 till 5 just to afford a 1 bedroom flat and a Cherry QQ and maybe a KFC sweet chilli twister on the weekend if we lucky.

Dont get me wrong I hate being one of those clichéd pessimistic South Africans but the simple fact is if you are not making serious cash in South Africa, then you really have to evaluate your options. Sure we have the lifestyle, the friends, the outdoors and the scenery but as for the corrupt Government, officials, police etc? I’m afraid to say that if one looks close enough we can’t help feel that the minority are being pressurized socially and financially more and more. It’s no wonder that the highly educated are seeking a living elsewhere.

The state of our suburban roads are degrading at an exponential rate and the traffic systems are not up to scratch, so the option for one to avoid the highway and take back roads isn’t really a viable option. One can only imagine greater stress on our secondary roads now due to the taxes and even greater traffic.

So while the traffic systems are in disarray, the lawlessness on our roads continues, the potholes keep appearing and the traffic lights remain out-of-order, I can assure you of one system that will operate with 100% efficiency and that is SANRALS toll collection system. And im even more sure that the few desperate ones amongst us that try to bend the rules will be policed even harder. But rapes, murders, robberies, cold bloodied killings and babies being stabbed in the neck will continue. FFS S.A. wake up.      

The toll system will be fully operational by midnight on April 30th 2012. Anyone got some spray paint or a couple nukes?

View the original article here


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