Saturday, May 12, 2012

Punk singer 'will become a woman'

Jasmine Coleman By Jasmine Coleman
Newsbeat reporter Tom Gabel The front man of American punk rock band Against Me! has revealed he plans to start living as a woman.

Tom Gabel will take the name Laura Jane Grace after coming out as transgender.

The singer told Rolling Stone magazine that he would start the transition process soon by taking hormones and undergoing electrolysis.

He said he had dealt privately for years with gender dysphoria, a condition where a person feels they're trapped inside a body of the wrong sex.

The 31-year-old said he planned to remain married to his artist wife Heather.


On the track Ocean, released on the Against Me! album New Wave in 2007, Gabel sings: "And if I could have chosen, I would have been born a woman.

"My mother once told me she would have named me Laura, I'd grow up to be strong and beautiful like her."

Gabel told Rolling Stone magazine: "I'm going to have embarrassing moments and that won't be fun."

But he added that he was "hoping people will understand, and hoping they'll be fairly kind".

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